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4.7 out of 5

Total of 898 feedback(s)

Mar. 07, 2015

Positive Feedback why hindi ako makapost. i tried texting and calling the cellphone number of mybenta but no reply. ronald pornobi here

Mar. 06, 2015

Positive Feedback I have account here and so far its cool.. friendly user Classified ads but so far i dont have item sold pa..i wish this site will help me in increasing my benta. I already have account in Sulit/ OLX, but sad to say they always suspend my account due to other member complaints. Maybe because of the visibility of my ads.. I hope this MYBETA is different and hoping for a harmonious business here.

Mar. 05, 2015

Positive Feedback thank you for giving me the opportunity to post my ads here, God bless! :)

Mar. 03, 2015

Positive Feedback Im new here so I hope this is better. The other site is getting so annoying. Trying to charge me Php 50.00 to post. And then theres the constant wave of duplicate ads warning. None of my posts are posted more than once.

Mar. 02, 2015

Positive Feedback Mybenta, Your Banner advertisement is really good but I am having a hard time finding the exact measurement of the pics. Its better if we can just upload pics and Mybenta will just adjust the banner. Just like uploading Cover Photos on FB. :) Thanks and more power!

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